Privacy Policy

At TDRK we are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of personal information affiliated with our services.

In order to provide patients with adequate health care services, we need to collect and use personal information. It is important to be aware that if we receive incomplete or inaccurate information we may not be able to provide our services as requested.

The types of personal information we collect includes but is not limited to current (and historical) information about:

Name, Gender, Date of birth, Contact details (phone number, address, and email address), Payment-related information, Communications and interactions with us.

Additionally, in relation to patients:

  • Requesting practitioner details, Results copy recipients, and Medical history.
  • Personal information will in many circumstances be collected directly from you, for example via patient online form, over the phone or from face to face consultation.
  • In other instances, we may collect personal information about a patient from a third party source. This may include other health service providers such as general practitioners, specialists, hospitals, day clinics and other medical imaging practices.
  • We endeavour to store and retain patient’s personal information securely in electronic records and/or in paper based form and other hard copy documents.